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Having trouble on your running shoes?

Jul 01, 2014
Having trouble on your running shoes?
Having trouble on your running shoes?

With the weather telling us that it is time to get outdoors, what better time is there to start that new running plan? Before you set out to hit the pavement, trails or the gym, here are a few things you should know about your running shoes.

During a normal walking gait, you have a double stance phase which means that there is a moment when both of your feet are on the ground supporting your body. During running though, you have a double swing phase which means there is a time when both of your feet are off of the ground.

When neither of your feet are on the ground, there is a greater amount of impact that your feet must undertake to absorb the force subjected to your feet. This is one of the reasons it is so important for you to have good quality shoes that allow you a great deal of cushion. It is also why you need to watch your shoes for any signs of wearing, since these indicates point to your feet no longer being as protected from the forces as they were before. 

A good rule of thumb is 300-400 miles for a pair of shoes. This is easier to keep track of for runners who have a definite routine, but for many of us this is not something that we readily know. Some suggestions are writing the date that you buy the shoes on the bottom of them and then guesstimate about 6 months to a year unless you run much more than that. Another way to gauge when you need to buy new shoes is if you start to feel abnormal amounts of muscle pain, shin splints or an unusual amount of tiredness after a run that is pretty normal for you. These can be a good indicate that it is time for a new pair of shoes. However, if these conditions don’t improve even after switching your shoes it is time for you to seek a podiatrist to determine if there is an underlying condition.


“This soul, or life within us, by no means agrees with the life outside us. If one has the courage to ask her what she thinks, she is always saying the very opposite to what other people say.   Virginia Woolf



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